19 March 2021 Insight Events Denmark

Video C&T 2020: Troels Bohnsen – What is data driven treasury?

At the 2020 Cash & Treasury Management conference, Troels Bohnsen, Head of Group Business Intelligence & Group Treasury, Finance & Support at SOS International spoke about data driven treasury and a journey to provide treasury insights using data. In this post, you can watch Troels Bohnsen’s 18 August 2020 presentation on video.

What is data driven treasury?
• What do you truly want to measure?
• How do you become data driven?
• What is the impact of being data driven?
Troels Bohnsen, Head of Group Business Intelligence & Group Treasury, Finance & Support, SOS International

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Insight Events Denmark

Insight Events, tidligere IBC Euroforum, er en de førende udbydere af erhvervsarrangementer i Danmark og lever af at formidle information, der hjælper vore kunder til at optimere deres forretningsprocesser. Relevant information – rettidig – og i det rigtige format.