24 September 2024 Insight Events Denmark

Podcast: Securing the Winds of Change

mnemonic Security Podcast #1

Sustainable energy resources are connected, critical, and vulnerable. As such potential lucrative target for cyber threat-actors as high value – low protection target. Managing the risk of a cyber attacks to the sustainable energy resources requires an in-depth understanding of who attacks, how they attack, what they attack, and what happens as result. Simply put a cyber risk is potential event where an attacker exploits a weakness to achieve an impact.

Jens Christian Vedersø is Enterprise Cyber Security Strategist at Vestas and one of the speakers at the international Industrial Security Conference 12-13-14 November 2024 in Copenhagen.

At the conference, Jens Christian Vedersø will discuss a practical and pragmatic approach to consistent assess cyber risks to a sustainable energy asset. This includes demonstrating practical approaches to handling the complex disciplines of Applicable Threat intelligence, Attack-surface assessment, and Impact calculation.

Robby from mnemonic invited Jens Christian for a chat to learn more about his presentation. Watch the podcast below.

Do you want to hear more about practical management of cyber risks in sustainable energy systems?

Join the international Industrial Security Conference. Read more here and sign up here.

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