Christian Dinesen is Information Security Architect at Carlsberg. He is one of the speakers at the international Industrial Security Conference 13-14-15 November in Copenhagen.
Christian Dinesen has been responsible for deploying and operating an Enterprise SOC via an MSSP. This has included OT environments, a wide range of systems and protocols from the OT environment. At the conference, Christian will talk about some of the challenges of security in both OT and IT while maintaining a focus on safety. His presentation is about both the people from MSSP, the OT environment and the traditional IT environment. Takeaways from the presentation: What’s good and bad about having a traditional IT-focused SOC to handle OT incidents, and how can you take the OT out of the OT person and understand how to implement controls and security measures without compromising the stability and reliability of production.
Robby from mnemonic invited Christian for a chat to learn more about his presentation. Watch the podcast below.