26 September 2023 Insight Events Denmark

Podcast: Dominos – An offensive approach to understand your system of systems and their dependencies

mnemonic Security Podcast #1

When working in critical infrastructure, you start to get an overview of the whole value chain, which consists of a lot of types of different devices and systems and system of systems. And a lot of people.

Lars Erik Smevold is Security & Process Control Architect at Statkraft (NO) and one of the speakers at the international Industrial Security Conference 13-14-15 November in Copenhagen.

In Lars Erik’s experience, there is a value in having an offensive approach or offensive mindset, and at the conference Lars Erik will give examples from the industry, from the energy production site but also the transmission site.

Robby from mnemonic invited Lars Erik for a chat to learn more about his presentation. Watch the podcast below.

Do you want to hear more about the offensive approach to understand your system of systems and their dependencies?

Join the international Industrial Security Conference. Read more here and sign up here.

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