4 October 2022 Insight Events Denmark

Podcast: The elephant in the room

The elephant in the rom - The biggest threat is the lack of skills - Podcast with Andrada Son, speaker at Industrial Security Conference Copenhagen - Insight IT

The lack of competences within Cyber and Information Security remains the biggest threat within Cybersecurity. In 2022, the shortfall is estimated to be greatest within OT Security.

Andrada Son is Headhunter & Director of Operations at CSA CPH and one of the speakers at this year’s Industrial Security Conference 14-15-16 November in Copenhagen.

Robby from mnemonic invited Andrada for a chat to learn more about her presentation. Watch the podcast below.

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Insight Events Denmark

Insight Events, tidligere IBC Euroforum, er en de førende udbydere af erhvervsarrangementer i Danmark og lever af at formidle information, der hjælper vore kunder til at optimere deres forretningsprocesser. Relevant information – rettidig – og i det rigtige format.