6 October 2021 Insight Events Denmark

Podcast: Network security monitoring inside SCADA / OT networks

Martin Scheu

Martin Scheu is Security Engineer at SWITCH-CERT and one of the keynote speakers at this year’s Industrial Security Conference 15-16-17 November in Copenhagen. SWITCH-CERT mainly looks after the Swiss infrastructure, especially within the energy, banks and universities.

Robby from mnemonic invited Martin for a chat, to learn more about what Martin shares with us at the event. Watch the podcast below.

Do you want to hear more about network security monitoring inside SCADA / OT networks?

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Insight Events Denmark

Insight Events, tidligere IBC Euroforum, er en de førende udbydere af erhvervsarrangementer i Danmark og lever af at formidle information, der hjælper vore kunder til at optimere deres forretningsprocesser. Relevant information – rettidig – og i det rigtige format.